Who is DocoMakesComics!?
Hey, thanks for dropping by! My name is Cristian Docolomansky. All my friends and colleagues call me Doco because is shorter and easier than the full last name. I was born in 1977 in Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain, but since 1995 I live in Chile. I’ve been passionated about comic-books since I started reading them as a child, collecting the Spanish edition of Marvel’s Transformers and my love for comics has only been growing to this day. When I was 14 I only consumed comics and back then, in the early-Image Comics era, I wanted to devote my life making comics. My most deep wish, if I could be granted one wish, is to work with the WildC.A.T.s characters. As you may see, I’m a child of the 90’s.
When I moved to Chile, I had an Industrial Design degree and I worked for like 12 years in Marketing agencies when I heard the call of the comic-book Gods. So, jumping to 2013, I decided to become a comic-book inker. Well, it took me a good couple of years to get a grip of what “breaking into comics” means in this digital era, where inkers are- according to what several publishers and editors told me-, a dying art form. I love ink, I love get my hands stained with ink and I love when I can book an inking gig, but today I work mostly doing comic-book lettering and logo design for several publishers and creators.

As a comic-book artist I have been collaborating with many Small Press and Indie publishers, in the American and Chilean markets. You can find my work on comics published by SCOUT COMICS, MYTHOPOEIA, ADVENT COMICS, ARIETE PRODUCCIONES, ARCANO IV and HEAVY METAL among others. I also gave a helping hand on a couple of issues of IDW’s Back To The Future: Citizen Kane inking Alan Robinson on some pages. I have been doing some author stuff. I’m the sole creator of my creator-owned book IN.JVSTICIA. (Ariete Producciones, Chile, 2017-2022) . By the time I am writing these lines, the boxes with the last issue of the miniseries has just been delivered to my editor’s studio. Last, but not least, I am the co-creator of the graphic novel INMUNO: INVASIÓN A CORPUS, (Áurea Ediciones, Chile, 2021) (Inmuno: Corpus Under Siege) currently on its second printing and looking for a foreign edition.
This book was awarded last Oct 14th 2022 with four FIC SANTIAGO awards as Best Comic-book, Best Artist (with my inks), Best Writer and Best Cover (I did the book design).
I’ve been awarded as BEST INKER (2020) and BEST LETTERER (2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023) at the PEPO Awards.
Since late 2022 I am part of Metal Ninja Studios, a studio located in Florida, providing services of comic-book lettering, book production and logo design among many, many other services. I became Senior Designer in 2023. You can find us at www.metalninjastudios.com
But the thing I love the most is being able to keep working making comics, collaborating with amazing creators from around the world and being surrounded by my wonderful wife and my two assistants: my dogs Facundo and Martina.
Have fun!